Art from Heart vol. 2
Paintings help
All of the paintings were donated to ParaCENTRUM Fenix for charitable purposes by students from basic and high schools in Czech republic. In the last two years, there have not been many opportunities to meet each other, so the idea of organizing a benefit exhibition was born. The auction earnings will be donated to the services of ParaCENTRUM Fenix.
Paintings can be purchased through a silent auction. The starting price of each painting is CZK 1,000. If you like one of the paintings, you have the opportunity to buy it. Just send your maximum amount for which you are willing to buy the painting.
Send your suggestions either using the enclosed QR-code or by email: The highest offer wins. If you leave us your contact details, you will be informed about the result after the end of the auction.
Thank you for your interest and support.
ParaCENTRUM Fenix team.
6. – 16. 12. 2022
Kyndryl, FG building, Technická 21, Brno